Bungee Jump = Tick

I haven’t got much of a bucket list yet, being only 18, but something i always dreamed of, was to bungee jump, but what does a girl do when in New Zealand. From white-water rafting, to skiing, to snowboarding if you like to challenge yourself, Queenstown (the town of extreme everything) is the place to go. Queenstown is surrounded by some of the most amazing mountains that is picture perfect from every angle, the magnificent turquoise Lake Wakatipu that looks too good to be true and overwhelming views and experiences you’ll cherish for a lifetime. Being the youngest sibling of three, with two older brothers i have never been one to turn down a challenge to keep up with the boys. My love for fashion and beauty shows my feminine side but deep down the tomboy in me will always come out when i sense an adventure to be had. As i stood on a platform, suspended 43 metres above a raging river my legs turned to jelly and frozen by fear, but i could not back down after watching my brothers, their friends and even my dad had thrown themselves into the unknown and came out buzzing. So with my legs bound together by strong elastic bands, i took pigeon steps to the end of the platform and as my supporters counted down, three, two, one, i took a leap of faith and just went for it. The whole experience lasted probably no more than 20 seconds but as i bounced upside down waiting to be lowered into the boat at the bottom i felt such an achievement and my adrenaline kept me buzzing for hours after. I did it. It is such a moving experience as it is probably the scariest thing i have ever done in my life but once you’ve done it you just want to do it again and again. To know that you’ve put your life in someone else’s hand and had complete trust and faith in them is a very freeing feeling.

Queenstown, the town of extreme everything.

Queenstown, the town of extreme everything.

Enjoying the adrenaline thrilled jet boat (shot over jet) Queenstown has to offer.

Enjoying the adrenaline thrilled jet boat (shot over jet) Queenstown has to offer.

Enjoying my cocktail in New Zealand's famous 'Minus 5 Ice bar', the bar produced from ice

Enjoying my cocktail in New Zealand’s famous ‘Minus 5 Ice bar’, the bar produced from ice

Trying to cover up the fear in our eyes on the ski lift.

Trying to cover up the fear in our eyes on the ski lift.

'I took a leap of faith and just went for it.'

‘I took a leap of faith and just went for it.’


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